Self-Interpretation and Reflection in a Statically Typed Language Konstantin Laufer Martin Odersky Loyola University of Chicago Universitat Karlsruhe August 5, 1993 In Proc. OOPSLA `93 Workshop on Reflection and Metalevel Architectures 1 Introduction Reflection is the ability of a system to perform a computation about it- self. This ability typically includes a way of representing programs as data ("reification") and of executing representations of programs ("self-interpretation"). The interpreter is accessible to the interpret- ed program in the form of an "eval" function. Reflection is traditionally studied in untyped or dynamically typed languages such as LISP [4] [2], Smalltalk [3], or the l-calculus [9]. By contrast, we consider self-interpretation and reflection in a stat- ically typed metalanguage along the lines of [10] and [7]. Since the lan- guage is statically typed, the data structure used as a representation for programs is statically typed as well. Reflection in a statically typed context can be characterized as follows: Type-preserving representation: If a representation is well-typed, then the represented program is well-typed. Type-preservation of self-interpretation: A representation of a pro- gram of some type is reduced to a representation of the result of the program of the same type. Reuse: Features of the metalanguage, for instance the type checker or garbage collector, are reused directly without reprogramming them. A lack of reuse is called redundancy. Static typing in reflective systems is useful since it precludes breaches of type safety through self-interpretation; we cannot construct a syntax tree that causes a run-time type error when we interpret it. This goal is captured by the principle that the interpreted program should be as safe as the original one. 2 The SK Combinator Calculus We explore reflexivity in a typed version of the SK combinator calculus [11]. Unlike the equivalent, more familiar l-calculus, the SK calculus provides a Turing-complete language without variables or scope rules. This eliminates the need to keep track of variables in an environment. SK combinator expressions are applicative expressions consisting of the combinators , , and , defined in Figure 1. Figure 1: SK combinators and their types An SK expression said to be well-typed if a typing can be derived for it, using the type rules in Figure 1 and the following rule for function application: APP 3 The Metalanguage We use the lazy functional language Haskell [6] as the metalanguage for the implementation of our metacircular interpreter. Haskell static typ- ing with parametric polymorphism and systematic overloading. We briefly describe lazy evaluation and systematic overloading. Lazy evaluation In lazy or call-by-need evaluation, expressions are not evaluated until they are actually needed. This includes actual parameter expressions in function calls. Consequently, we can define a fixpoint combinator within the language. fix :: (a -> a) -> a fix h = h (fix h) The factorial function is the fixpoint of the following functional: h :: (Num a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a h f x = if x == 0 then 1 else x * f (x - 1) Thus the expression fix h 4 evaluates to 24. Systematic overloading Haskell provides type classes [12] for the systematic overloading of functions and operations. For example, to overload the multiplication operation, we first declare a class containing the operation. class Mult a where (*) :: a -> a -> a We then declare instance types of the type class for which we want to use the overloaded operation. We must implement the operation for each instance type. instance Mult Int where (*) = primIntMult instance Mult Float where (*) = primIntMult instance Mult Bool where (*) = (&&) We can now use the overloaded operation in the definition of new func- tions, for example: square :: (Mult a) => a -> a square x = x * x Given this definition, square True evaluates to True, and square 3 eval- uates to 9. 4 Representation and Self-Interpretation We are now ready to present the data structures for our statically-typed metacircular interpreter, following the framework given in [9]. The in- terpreted program is a simple SK combinator expression, represented by its abstract syntax tree of type Rep, defined in Figure 2. An abstract syntax tree represents either a basic combinator or the application of one expression to another, as expressed by the left-associative infix constructor @ in the last variant of Rep. In addition to the basic com- binators S, K, and Y, we provide combinators to represent natural num- bers. For metacircularity, we add the combinators Eval, Reif, and Refl, representing applications of the corresponding metafunctions defined in the next section. data Rep = Zero | Succ | Cond | S | K | Y | Eval | Reif | Refl | Rep @ Rep intp :: Rep -> Rep apply :: Rep -> Rep intp (Reif @ x) = Reif @ x intp (x @ y) = apply (intp x @ intp y) intp e = e apply (Succ @ x) = Succ @ x apply (Cond @ Zero @ c @ f) = intp c apply (Cond @ (Succ @ x) @ c @ f) = intp(f @ x) apply (S @ f @ g @ x) = intp(f @ x @ (g @ x)) apply (K @ x @ y) = intp x apply (Y @ f) = intp(f @ (Y @ f)) apply (Eval @ (Reif @ x)) = Reif @ intp x apply (Refl @ (Reif @ x)) = intp x apply e = e Figure 2: Representation and self-interpretation of SK terms A self-interpreter for the SK calculus is a function that reduces a representation of an expression to a representation of an expression whenever can be reduced to in the SK calculus itself. The self- interpreter intp for our representation of SK expressions is defined in Figure 2 along with its auxiliary functions. There is no guarantee that the syntax trees we build from the value constructors of type Rep represent well-typed SK expressions. For exam- ple, the syntax tree Zero @ Zero can be constructed and has type Rep, but does not represent a well-typed SK expression. The next section de- scribes how this problem is solved. 5 Reflection and Reification Reflection is the ability to convert data (representations of SK expres- sions) into programs (SK expressions themselves). To implement the func- tion reflect, we extend the representation of an SK expression to contain not only the representation (of type Rep), but also the expression itself (of some type a). Reflection then simply corresponds to the selection of the second component. The extended type Exp a is defined in Figure 3. data Exp a = Exp Rep a eval :: Exp a -> Exp a reflect :: Exp a -> a (&) :: Exp (a -> b) -> (Exp a) -> Exp b eval (Exp e v) = Exp (intp e) v reflect (Exp e v) = v (Exp e u) & (Exp f v) = Exp (e @ f) (u v) class Reify a where reify :: a -> Exp a instance Reify Int where reify 0 = zero reify x = succ & reify (x - 1) instance (Reify a) => Reify (Exp a) where reify e = reif & e Figure 3: Extended representation, reflection, and reification of SK terms Self-interpretation is now handled by the function eval, which calls intp on the first component and retains the second component of the ex- tended representation. Lazy evaluation ensures that the second component is not evaluated until it is extracted by a call to reflect. Reification, the ability to convert programs back to data, is provided only from natural numbers to representations of natural numbers. Although every program in the metalanguage can be represented as an SK expression, the reification of functions would require reflective capabilities of the metalanguage itself. Systematic overloading in Haskell is used to provide a function reify of the polymorphic type reify :: (Reify a) => a -> Exp a although reify is implemented only on natural numbers. Without this mech- anism, we could not represent the metacircular combinator reif in the extended representation with its correct type. We saw in the previous section that even ill-typed combinator expres- sions could be represented within the type Rep. Fortunately, our extended representation Exp allows us to enforce that only well-typed expressions can be constructed. For each basic combinator, we declare an extended representation consisting of the corresponding constructor of type Rep and the corresponding l-expression in the metalanguage. Explicit type declarations are not required for the desired typing of the combinators, but are included for clarity. The representations of the extended com- binators are declared in Figure 4. zero :: Exp Int succ :: Exp (Int -> Int) cond :: Exp (Int -> a -> (Int -> a) -> a) s :: Exp ((a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c) k :: Exp (a -> b -> a) i :: Exp (a -> a) y :: Exp ((a -> a) -> a) evl :: Exp (Exp a -> Exp a) reif :: (Reify a) => Exp (a -> Exp a) refl :: Exp (Exp a -> a) zero = Exp Zero 0 succ = Exp Succ (+1) cond = Exp Cond (\x c f -> if x == 0 then c else f (x - 1)) s = Exp S (\f g x -> f x (g x)) k = Exp K (\x y -> x) i = s & k & k y = Exp Y fix where fix h = h (fix h) evl = Exp Eval eval reif = Exp Reif reify refl = Exp Refl reflect Figure 4: Types and values of the representations of the basic SK combinators Well-typed syntax trees can now be constructed from the extended rep- resentations of the combinators and the infix operation (&), a wrapper around the constructor @, or by reifying a natural number. The subsequent examples demonstrate the functionality of the interpreter. The represen- tations for plus and fact were obtained by an automated translation of their l-expressions to SK expressions. eval (plus & (reify 2) & (reify 1)) => succ & (succ & (succ & zero)) reflect (plus & (reify 2) & (reify 1)) => 3 eval (refl & (i & (reif & two))) => succ & (succ & zero) reflect (i & fact) 7 => 5040 reflect ((i & refl) & ((i & reif) & two)) => 2 reflect (reflect (reflect (reif & (reif & (reif & zero))))) => zero zero & zero => [65] Cannot unify types: a -> b and Int => in (&) zero 6 Conclusion To our knowledge, we are the first to implement a fully metacircular in- terpreter for a statically typed, Turing-complete language. By contrast, the typed interpreter of [5] is based on a "types as values" assumption and hence relies on some form of dynamic typing. Pfenning and Lee present [10] an embedding of the types of in but stop short of true re- flection of a language in itself. We argued [7] that conventional statically typed object-oriented lan- guages were not sufficient to guarantee well-typed expression syntax trees and described an alternative metalanguage based on F-bounded poly- morphism [1] and existential quantification [8]. While such a language was not available at that time, we were now able to use a reasonably wide-spread "stock" functional language for our purposes. We demonstrated that each feature of the metalanguage, lazy evaluation, static typing, and systematic overloading, plays a crucial role in the implementation of our metacircular interpreter. We were able to avoid redundancy by relying completely on the type system of the metalanguage. References [1] P. Canning, W. Cook, W. Hill, W. Olthoff, and J. Mitchell. F-bounded polymorphism for object-oriented programming. In Proc. Functional Programming and Computer Architecture, pages 273-280, 1989. [2] P. Cointe. Metaclasses are first-class: The ObjVlisp model. In Proc. ACM Conf. 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